Stacy Wood
Langdon Distinguished University Professor of Marketing
Ph.D., University of Florida, 1998
Courses taught
MBA 561: Consumer Behavior
Area(s) of focus/expertise
Behavioral elements of innovation; cognitive, emotional, and culture means of motivating change; innovation strategy in STEM including healthcare, high tech, and engineering
Research interests
My research focuses on how marketplace stakeholders (consumers, firms, policy makers, employees, doctors/patients, sports fans, and more) respond and adapt to change or innovation. This applies both to individuals’ processing of new product information as well as emotional or cultural reactions to new innovations, trends, or rituals. Specifically, I enjoy investigating when people don’t want to change despite logical reasons for them to do so.
Recent research
International lessons learned about consumer behavior in a crisis
Promoting the novel Covid vaccination as a new product
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Past research
Please see the Google Scholar site
Experience with industry (and how it informs what I teach)
Recently, I’ve been working with NASCAR which is an excellent example of complex innovations well-managed. I’ve been developing new teaching materials to capture what I’ve learned and inviting members of this industry to share their experiences with students.